Friday, May 8, 2009

Award apa plak nih?

1. First, insert this badge to inform u have been awarded.

2. Make sure you take the picture and said it is from.
Dila yg hilang entah ke mana.. g wat DMU kot kat level 11

3. You should tell 10 facts or hobbies about yourself.
my hobby are:
3-gayut ngan en. driver
4-gayut ngan mak (wajib tiap2 ari ni)
5-tgk blog org
no. 6 smpai 10 - repeat no. 1 until 5.

4. Choose 5 other bloggers and tell their name
sy suda terlambat wat tagged ni.. so, org len suma dh wat.. xperlu kot nk tagged org lain.. haha

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