Friday, April 10, 2009


Sometimes... ......
A lot of opportunity came in our life
We need to choose either grab it or drop it.......

Sometimes... .......
The opportunity just came once....
Sometimes... .
It may change our life.....
Sometimes... .
It doesn't change anything...
Sometimes... .
We can't decide whether right decision to be made.....
Sometimes... ...
We need help to make decision.... .
Sometimes... ...
Nobody can help us...

Sometimes... ...
When we lose it...we'll regret....
Sometimes... .
When we grab it.....we had a joy...
Sometimes... ..
We just waiting it to be true
Sometimes... ..
It came when we need it
Sometimes... ..
It never come although we wish for it...

So, when it come....choose the right decision and grab it as you wish for......

p/s: ssh kan utk buat pilihan?

1 comment:

DilaGhani said...

lise is full of choices. sometimes deep thinking is required to choose. but sometimes u just have to trust your heart and let it decide. no matter what, u'll get my support datin!

pergh ni mmg ayat aku kah?serius xcaye